- When I place an order, how long it will take GKKI to ship it?
GKKI ship your order as soon as possible. Most orders are shipped within 48 hours. During the Holiday Season like Christmas, New Year etc. shipping times may be briefly delayed.
It usually takes three-five-seven business days for an order to reach its destination.
- How do i know if my order went through?
When you place your order with GKKI,you will receive an order confirmation which includes your order number.
- Can I pay by check?
At this time,GKKI does not accept personal ckecks over the Internet.
- What credit cards does GKKI accepts?
GKKI accepts Pay pal visa,MasterCard,Discover,and American Express.
- Does GKKI accept cash on Delivery(C.O.D) orders?
- If an item is missing from,or damaged in my order.what should I do?
If an item is missing from your order or if the item is no longer available.If your item is listed on the invoice,but not included with the order,or your item is damaged,please contact service at info@gurkhakhhkurisknife.com.
- If I receive a defective item,what should I do?
If you received a defective item,GKKI offers a 21-day 100% satisfaction Guarantee policy.
- If I am not satisfied with my order/merchandise,what should I do?”
If you are not satisfied,Plaese note cancellations for orders after they are placed may still be subject to 20% restocking/cancellation fees.
- Can I cancel/changed/add my order?
Your credit card is charged as soon as you place your order.If you want cancel,change or order you have to inform us prior before we dispatch your order. Once you order is dispatched then you can’t cancel,change or add your order.
- Does Gkki sell replacement parts?
GkkI does not sell replacement parts,If you need a parts for your khukuri please send an e-mail to info@gurkhakhhkurisknife.com please type knife parts inquiry,in subject line of your e-mail .
- When did GKKI ship my order?
Once you place an order,your order is being processed and will be completed once we authorize your method of payment.As soon as you method of payment is verified,we will ship it,The verification process will take few days time.when your order ships,you will receive an order shipped e-mail and courier express tracking number from which you can track the delivery status of your order.
- Why hasn’t my order shipped?
Please send e-mail with your name,address,customer number,and order number to info@gurkhakhhkurisknife.‘and we will check on your order.Please type order Status in the subject line of your e-mail.
- Is my credit card number number secure?
Your credit card details are accepted through the SSL protocol,All transactions are secured,powered by SSL encryption capable of processing credit card transactions insuring that the information is encrypted before it is transmitted.
- Do you ship your Kukuris internationally”
Yes, we ship our kukuris to any country in the world expect INDIA and RUSSIA.